Frequently Asked Questions: Grinders

Q: Where are Diamond Ground Products grinders made?
A: We have designed and built our tungsten grinders at our factory in Newbury Park, California since 1992. Since we manufacture in our facility and don't simply import and pass through to end users, we are in complete control of their quality and continued innovation. This also ensures that spare parts and domestic support are little more than a phone call away.

Q: How do the hand-held grinders compare to Diamond Ground Products grinders?
A: The numerous hand-held grinders on the market are good as disposable “hobby type” grinders. Diamond Ground Products grinders are professional quality and designed for continuous use in professional environments.

Q: Does Diamond Ground Products take trade-ins in exchange for DGP grinders?
A: Yes, if you have a grinder you are not happy with - whether it is running or not - give us a call for a no-obligation quote.

Q: How do you know which Diamond Ground Products grinder is right for you?
A: Each grinder page on our site has a link to a “Compare Tungsten Grinders” overlay that will show you grinder differences in regard to features and benefits. However, the best way to figure out what is the best grinder for you is to simply give us a call. We'll listen to your needs & your budget, and offer you the right grinder based on our expertise. Furthermore, we won't sell you anything more than you need. If you can get by with a hand-held model, we'll let you know before you ever have to tell us.

Diamond Ground Products is dedicated to the improvement of weld quality & welder productivity, and maintains a reputation as the industry leader in tungsten and tungsten preparation. Our ongoing management philosophy is to provide quality product and receptive service that exceeds even the most stringent expectations. Contact DGP today to see how we can help with your current or future welding applications.

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